9.2. Grade File Homework

In this assignment, we’re going to begin taking steps to help you achieve greater independence when it comes to programming. This means (among other things) that you will be given what is commonly known as a specification. In software development–and in the business world in general, it is customary to capture a set of business requirements in what is commonly known as a requirements specification document. While what you read here will be much more concise, we want you to become familiar with requirements-driven thinking, without which many real-world software projects fail.

After presenting the set of requirements, we will give you some hints for how to implement the requirements. These hints may or may not prove completely helpful to you, and you are also invited to come up with your own solutions. As we inch closer to the semester project, you’re going to want to use your imagination to create a good solution to a problem.

9.2.1. Brief Problem Statement

The previous two homework assignments represent a great simplification of the real-world process of grading. The notion that grade information must be entered manually is rather tedious, not to mention error prone. In the real world, grade information would be kept in a file (a spreadsheet is common), from which various calculations and summary reports could be generated.

In this assignment, the problem we are trying to solve is to take all of the raw grade data from one or more student files and prepare a summary report with a line for each student.

Although we could do all of what we’re describing here with a spreadsheet, the point is to show how we can use C# to read in a simplified form of comma-separated data, process it, and do some general-purpose calculations on the data.

9.2.2. Using C#

We’ll be making use of a number of C# features (some old, some new) in this homework:

  • decisions, loops, strings, and functions (basically all of our notes, chapters 1-5)
  • files
  • arrays

9.2.3. Requirements

  1. Unlike in previous assignments, this program must accept data from a collection of input files (that is, it will not be reading most of the data from the Console.

  2. The program needs a class abbreviation from the user. If there is a command line argument, use it. Make sure your code can read a command-line argument using the special form of Main(string[] args). If there is not command line argument, prompt the user for it. The abbreviation should not include spaces. An example would be Comp170. All data files will include the class abbreviation as part of their name. We will use Comp170 in the examples, but it could be something else.

  3. There are two master files. One is “Categories” + the course abbreviation + ”.txt”. For example, CategoriesComp170.txt.

    It will contain three lines. The first line is a comma separated list of category names like

    Exam,Lab,Homework,Project,Class participation

    There may be extra spaces after the commas. Categories will be chosen so that each one starts with a different letter.

    The second line contains the integer weights for each category, like

    40, 15, 15, 20, 10

    They do not need to add to 100. If the sum is called totWeights, get the final grade by summing for each category:

    (category weight)(category grade)/totWeights

    The third line will contain the number of grades in each category, like

    2, 5, 3, 1, 2

    The second master file will be “Students” + the course abbreviation + ”.txt”. For example StudentsComp170.txt. It will contain a list of student information records. Each record (one per input line) will have the following structure:

    Student ID, Last Name, First Name

    For example:

    P87483743, Harrington, Andrew
  4. There will be a secondary file for each student, named after the student id and the course abbreviation and ”.data”. For example, George’s scores will be kept in a file named P34323243Comp170.data. Andy’s scores are in P87483743Comp170.data. Each record (one per file line will have the following structure:

    Category letter, Item, Points Earned


    • category letter is the first letter of the category. With the categories given in the example above, they would be E, L, H, P, and C.
    • item is a number within that category (0, 1, 2, ...)
    • points earned is a real number
    • the lines are in no special order.

    For example:

  5. The program will process the data from each student file and calculate the average within each category and weighted average and letter grade for each student, using code derived from the previous assignment.

  6. The final report file is named with the course abbreviation + “Summary.txt”. Example: Comp170Summary.txt. This file must have a line for each student showing the student’s last name, first name, weighted average rounded to one decimal place, and letter grade. For example:

    Thiruvathukal, George 99.5 A
    Harrington, Andrew 91.2 A-
  7. In the course repository, there is a stub for the homework in subdirectory projects/HW/GradeFiles. Pull the latest version of the repository and copy the homework files to your solution area (hopefully in your own repository). There is test data for class abbreviations Comp170 and Comp150 in the project directory. There are also solution files for the summaries. Their names end in Solution.txt to distinguish them from the summary files you should generate in tests.

    While your program should certainly work for course abbreviations Comp170 and Comp150, it should also work in general for any data files your refer to in the defined formats.

    The stub of GradeFiles.cs has a Main function that just prints out the current working directory. That should help you check if you have the “Run With” parameters for MonoDevelop, setting the working directory to be the main project directory, GradeFiles, not the default bin/Debug subdirectory. See Setting the Working Directory and Command Line Arguments in MonoDevelop.

9.2.4. Hints

  1. You’ll be able to learn how to use files by reading File Syntax and the Miles section 6.3 on Files. Be sure to read Setting the Working Directory and Command Line Arguments in MonoDevelop. We’ll also have a lab exercise for learning to work with file I/O. You’re still going to need ReadLine() and WriteLine() in this assignment, the only difference is that we’ll be making use of File classes to get the input from a file instead of the Console. The parameter syntax will be the same.

  2. For each file line you’ll want to use the string Split method, and then the Trim method on each part to remove surrounding spaces. Then use indexing to get the field of interest. (More below.)

  3. You’ll need an outer loop to read the records from the master name file. You’ll need an inner loop (or a loop inside of a function) to read the records for each student.

  4. When processing the records from a student file, you should process each one separately and not assumed they are grouped in any particular order.

    This means, specifically, that your program simply reads a record, decides what category it is in, and updates the running total for that category. Once the entire file has been read, you can compute the average for each category based on the number of items that should be in that category, which may be more than the number of records in the file for items turned in.

  5. There is no need to keep a score after you’ve read it and immediately used it. Do use an array, however, for the running total for each category.

  6. In order to deal with a varying number of categories and different possible first letter codes, you will need to split the category name line into an array, say

    string[] categories;

    To know where to store data for each category, you can use this function after you read in a code, to determine the proper index. It is already in the stub code:

    static int codeIndex(string code, string[] categories)
       for (int i = 0; i < categories.Length; i++) {
          if (categories[i].StartsWith(code)) {
             return i;
       return -1;

    You may assume the data is good and the -1 is never returned, but the compiler needs this line.

  7. You cannot have one fixed formula to calculate the final weighted grade, because you do not know the number of categories when writing the code. You will have to accumulate parts in a loop.

9.2.5. Grading Rubric (25 points)

  1. Get the abbreviation from the command line if it is there. [2]
  2. Otherwise get the abbreviation from prompting the user. [1]
  3. Read the Categories file and parse lines. [2]
  4. Deal with each student. [3]
  5. Calculate the cumulative grades in each category, reading a student’s file once, using arrays. [5]
  6. Calculate the overall grade and letter grade. [3]
  7. Generate summary entries. [3]
  8. Use functions where there would otherwise be two several-line blocks of code differing only in the name of the data evaluated and the name of the result generated. [2]
  9. Use good style: formatting, naming conventions, meaningful names other than for simple array indices, lack of redundant code. [4]

Optional Extra Credit Opportunities! You may choose to do any combination that does not include both of the last two options about missing work.

  1. Format the summary file in nice columns. Include the grades for each category, rounded to one decimal place. Include a heading line. For example the summary for the repository example Comp150 could start:

    Name: Last, First           Avg Gr     E     H     P
    Hopper, Grace             100.0 A  100.0 100.0 100.0

    You may assume the last-first name field fits in 25 columns. Copy the first three column headings from above. The column headings for the categories can just be their one letter code. Names and letter grades should be left-justified (padded on the right, by using a negative field width). [2]

  2. Change the scheme for calculating letter grade to use a function that calculates the proper grade, where the only if statement is one simple one inside a loop. The if statement will have a return statement in its body, and no else. The loop will need to use corresponding arrays of data for grade cutoffs and grade names. [3]

  3. For any student who has missed passing in all the required items, generate extra data on missing work in the summary, at the right end of the line for the student. Add this to whichever version of the earlier parts you use. Include an addendum starting with “Missing: ” only if there are not enough grades in one or more categories. For each category where one or more grades is missing, including a count of the number of grades missing followed by the category letter. An example using the example categories is:

    Doe, John 68.5 D+ Missing: 2 L 1 H
    Smith, Chris 83.2 B Missing: 1 L
    Star, Anna 91.2 A-

    meaning Doe has 2 labs missing and 1 homework missing. Smith is missing one lab. Star has done all assigned work, since nothing is added. [3]

  4. This is a much harder alternate version for handling missing work: Unlike the previous format, do not count and print the number of missing entries in each category in a form like “2 L ”. Replace such an entry with a list of each item missing, in order, as in “L:1, 4 ”, meaning labs 1 and 4 were missing. Assume that the expected item numbers for a category run from 1 through the number of grades in the category. You may assume no item number for the same category appears twice. For example, with the sample data files given in the repository for Comp170, the summary line for John Doe would be:

    Doe, John 78.9 C+ Missing: L: 1, 4 H: 3

    The most straightforward way to do this requires something like a 2-dimensional array. We may get to 2-dimensional arrays in time for the due date, or you may need to read ahead if you want to use this approach. [5]

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9.1. File Syntax

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10. Arrays

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